Tuesday, August 19, 2014

The Raft Spin

After the rotation fixes, one weird issue remained with Guybrush, when getting on the raft in the set mot. When Guybrush got on the raft, he would strangely rotate in a circular motion once on the raft.

To debug the problem, I commented out the lines in the set file mot.lua regarding guybrush getting on the raft and found that it was a call to setrot which caused the issue to occur. In this call, setrot was called with TRUE as the fourth parameter, causing Guybrush to rotate over time instead of snapping to the rotation. Due to some difficulties with getting the rotation before Guybrush turned out of the retail version, I used a textObject in the lua script before setrot was called to display the values. Here's the retail version and ResidualVM:
Guybrush's rotation before getting on the raft in the Retail Version
Guybrush's rotation before getting on the raft in ResidualVM
As can be seen, the yaw parameter is inverted! So, is this the issue that's causing the weird rotation? I tried setting Guybrush's rotation before calling setrot(0, 0, 0, TRUE) with guybrush:setrot(180, 69.8599, 180) and found that the weird rotation still occurred. So, it seems there are actually two problems here:
  1. When rotating, Guybrush is sometimes rotated in axes that he shouldn't be when setrot is called without snapping to the new angles
  2. Guybrush's rotation is incorrect, with the yaw axis returning a negative value when it should be positive
To inspect the first problem, I tried setting Guybrush's rotation to 0 in each of the axes independently and inspecting the result and found that no axis was directly responsible for this rotation. I then tried setting them all to 0 with a snap and found that this looked correct (which was expected, obviously). The next experiment was to set each of the angles to a part of the rotation. I tried (0, 69.8599, 0) first and found that the result looked right, indicating that the pitch and roll axes might be causing the problem. I then tried (45, 69.8599, 45) and found that it also looked correct! However, at (90, 69.8599, 90), the issue re-appeared. In fact, any value below 90 seemed to work okay, while values greater than 90 caused problems. Out of curiosity, I then tried (-45, 69.8599, -45) and found that it also worked fine! In fact, values between -90 and 90 (non-inclusive) seemed to produce the correct result, while values outside that range produced incorrect behavior.

This pointed to a problem with the conversions between Euler angles and other rotation forms in that angles between (-90, 90) were calculated correctly, but larger angles were not. First, I checked the functions that I wrote by implementing a simple perl program to compute the rotation matrices from Euler Angles and back again. This program can be found here and produces results demonstrating the correct equations for setting a rotation matrix from Euler Angles and retrieving the Euler Angles from the matrix:
Output from computing the Euler -> Matrix conversion for ZYX
Fortunately (or unfortunately for finding the bug!) the results matched and there wasn't an obvious problem, aside from the absence of checking for singularities or gimbal lock checking. However, I was having trouble keeping the X's for the axis and the X's for the Euler Angles straight, so as a part of this work, I reworked the Euler Angle nomenclature to make the naming more consistent with the usage.

With the nomenclature straightened out, I then added a fix for singularities that arise from when it's impossible to determine the correct result. For an Euler Order of ZYX, we can see that when the Y Euler Angle is pi/2 (or 90 degrees), it will be impossible to differentiate the other two angles. We can see this by inspecting the figure above, where we can see that if the result of Cy is 0, then the components that are used by the arctan cannot be used to determine the result.  Cy is 0 when the cosine of the Y axis angle is pi/2 or -pi/2. This state results in a condition called gimbal lock. To work around this issue, we can check to see if the conversion will produce gimbal lock and if so, chose a single rotation.

So, does correcting for gimbal lock fix any of our problems? We can be fairly certain that it won't just by inspection. In the scenario above, Guybrush's coordinates would not cause a singularity because the second angle (yaw) is not +/- 90 degrees. Still, it was a necessary fix!

So, what is really going wrong here? Let's try some more experimentation! First, let's rotate Guybrush from (0,0,0) to (180, 0, 0) and (0,0,0) to (0, 0, 180):
Pitch 180 Degrees - (0,0,0) to (180, 0, 0)
Roll 180 Degrees - (0,0,0) to (0, 0, 180)

Rotation of (0,0,0) to (180, 0, 180)
We can see that the sum of these rotations is going to result in Guybrush facing 180 degrees opposite his position on the yaw axis from the (0,0,0) rotation. So, we can see that a rotation from (180, 0, 180) to (0, 0, 0) should only produce rotation in the yaw axis instead of rotating through the pitch and roll axes as well.

What causes this extra rotation? In ResidualVM, the turn methods of the Actor use Euler Angles to compute the rotation by making the angles equal. If instead, a Quaternion is used for rotation, this problem should be resolved. Now that the problem has been identified, in the next post, I'll address the issue.

Monday, August 18, 2014

What's up with Timmy?

Continued from the previous entry

In the previous entry, we started debugging the issues with the lava puzzle and found a problem with Guybrush colliding with the logs. We also found that a similar problem was occurring with the monkey Timmy, on the beach at Monkey Island. In this post, we'll try to figure out why Timmy isn't colliding with Guybrush and just running right through him instead.

Timmy on the Beach, Running Wild!
To begin with, I examined the script that controlled Timmy's running behavior. When an actor has a monkey that's running around the actor's position, a variable named monkey_range is set, which describes the maximum distance that the monkey can run from the actor in each direction. A random value within this range is chosen for the monkey to go to. The monkey runs to this location using the runto method, which is implemented by the Lua command WalkActorTo, which ultimately runs the Actor::walkTo method in ResidualVM. Within this method, the actor checks for collisions while plotting the path.

So, why isn't Timmy colliding with Guybrush? If we comment the check to print out when actors are checked for collision, we find that we can make Timmy collide with Guybrush if Guybrush walks into him, but not if Timmy runs into Guybrush when Guybrush isn't moving. If we inspect the logic that makes Timmy move, we find that there's a method in the Actor class called updateWalk which updates the character's position over the duration of the walk. If we add some code here to force a collision check when the actor is moving, Timmy stops as expected when he runs into Guybrush.

I suspect that this fixes the lava puzzle collisions too, but currently the logs in the puzzle aren't showing. I'll tackle this in the next post! This work is submitted as PR #1050.

TinyGL and the Font Segfault

With the integrations of my text patches, the text rendering is much closer to the original version. Unfortunately, it was found that they also caused memory corruption, resulting in segfaults when using the TinyGL rendering path.

First, I wasn't sure exactly what was causing the segfaults, just that they were happening at seemingly random intervals and that the backtrace usually involved a text function such as drawing or freeing a text object. I put the game into gdb and found that I couldn't reliably trigger the bug to investigate the problem. I then tried running ResidualVM in valgrind and found that when creating the text object with the function createTextObject in the TinyGL rendering path, when creating the text bitmap, there was a buffer overrun. To be sure, I added an assertion to this path that asserted when the bitmap offset was larger than the bitmap storage. This confirmed the issue!

So, what changed to cause the bitmap size to be smaller than expected? If we look at the code, it appears that the TinyGL engine is allocating the text object bitmap using the kerned height and width. As it turns out, this isn't actually enough space to hold the completed text because there's an additional piece of information, the column offset. When a letter is printed without using the whole kerned space (as in the character "1"), there's an offset added to the starting column to account for this, letting the game use less storage for the character. When I accounted for this extra width, along with adding a new function to take the y offset into consideration as well, the segfault was fixed and text was rendered properly in TinyGL again! This was submitted in PR #1024.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Simplifying Attaching and Detaching

Continued from the previous entry.

After all of the previous work on attaching and detaching and getting it pretty close to working, I found that there were still a few issues, like the cuffs not attaching properly to Guybrush's wrists in the set wed. Additionally, after a code review by Akz, he suggested that the code could be made simpler and that instead of trying to match the internal matrices in the retail version, I should just aim to match the output. Of note was that I needed to insert a large number of transposes to make the intermediate values work.

As such, I scrapped the previous code and instead tried to fix the problem of attaching and detaching with all of the new information that I'd learned over the course of debugging this problem. This new version of the attach and detach code is much less intrusive and achieves the same result with far fewer calculations. This code was re-submitted as PR #948. So, how does the pole in the set pph look now?

The set pph after getting off the raft
Looks pretty close, the pole is in the right position, but let's compare it with the original:
Difference between retail and ResidualVM
It's a little hard to see, but there's still a different in the orientation of the pole. I'm not exactly sure where this comes from, but I suspect that it has to do with the joint rotation of Guybrush's hand. Still, the result is much better than it was before.

The next outstanding rotation issue that needed to be looked into was Issue #958. I thought that I had fixed this bug, but it appears to still be broken. The best item for displaying the issue is the itty-bitty brass screw, which is rotating on the wrong axis.
As you can see, the screw starts in the wrong orientation and is upside down! Additionally, the rotation of some items in the inventory are incorrect with rotation being applied to the wrong axis. As it turns out, the orientation was incorrect because the rotation was applied backwards. Inverting the rotation Quaternion result of GetRotationQuat made this problem go away, but the resulting angle was wrong for the attached actor. This was because GetRotationQuat was being used as part of the attach and detach sequence. Iverting those usages as well found that the result now matched what we had before, except that the screw was rotated correctly.

The pole in the set pph is effected by the rotation of the hand joint in Guybrush's hand. As it turns out, the code that I had written for the attach and detach had neglected the position of the attached joint. Incorporating this rotation and translation slightly improved the position and rotation of the pole in the set mot.

At this point, I was hoping that all of the issues were resolved enough to move on, but two major issues remain:
  1. The boats in the lava puzzle were placed incorrectly, appearing (well, not actually appearing) under the lava instead of on top.
  2. When Guybrush rotates on the raft after boarding, he spins on a wrong axis.
In the next post, we'll tackle these issues!

Monday, August 4, 2014

Working on the Remaining Issues for Text Rendering

Continued from the previous entry.

In the previous entry, we (mostly) fixed all of the text problems in the set wed, but discovered that there were issues in the set gmi. Since both Elaine and Guybrush's text were in the wrong place, I decided to make the game draw her bounding box too. Here's a typical scene with some text:

Bounding boxes drawn for Elaine and Guybrush
We can see here that the bounding box for Elaine is very wrong, while Guybrush's looks pretty good. So, there appear to be two more issues related to text positioning here:
  1. The bounding boxes are still wrong
  2. The text isn't being placed in the right position above the bounding box
We'll investigate each issue, starting with the bounding boxes. First, how are the bounding boxes calculated? In the graphics driver, there is a function that iterates through the transformed and projected vertices in each component of a costume and finds the bounding box coordinates that enclose these points. To debug this issue, I stepped through each costume component and tried using that as the bounding box coordinates. It turns out that using only the active costume as specified by the wearChore for the dimensions of the bounding box makes the bounding box fit the actor. The result of this change (in PR #976) is shown below:

With the new Bounding Box code
I then decided that the reposition function seemed like a hack, so I examined the retail version in a debugger and found that a simple manipulation of the X and Y coordinates produced just about the same result. With this function removed and the code simplified, here's the current output difference for this text in the set gmi:

Pretty close!
We're very close now with the text placement in this scene, with the text still being placed one pixel too low, but otherwise perfect! Let's check out some other, previously problematic scenes, starting with the set mel, when you meet Carla and Otis again for the first time:

As you can see, the text placement for both characters is a little bit off. After some inspection, I found that Carla's text is placed using a specified X and Y coordinate passed as a parameter to SayLine. This text is placed by ResidualVM 9 pixels too high, as compared to the retail version. It turns out that in ResidualVM, there was code that shifted the text when it was too close to the edge, which was using a constant value for shift amount. Replacing this constant with the text height puts Carla's text 1 pixel too low, like most of the other text so far, but very close to the right position.

For Otis' text, the positioning is much further off. His text is placed 41 pixels too low and 17 pixels to the right. After some work with the debugger, I found that the Retail version of EMI was placing Otis' "Yeeps!" at the position: (394, 25). To check that this was accurate, I checked the screen  shot above and found that location, and measured to make sure that the output made sense with these numbers:

So, the location matches, with the red dot in the middle of the second "e" representing the point specified by the retail version (394, 25). We can see that this dot is 25px from the top and 394 pixels to the right. We can also see that the text is centered in the X axis around this point. ResidualVM does center the text properly, but the point selected is (411, 66). So, where does the difference come from? I continued debugging until I found the bounding box information for Otis and added that to the image below, along with the "Yeeps!" text from the retail version:

Retail bounding box in red, ResidualVM in blue (center line drawn as well)

So, my previous fixes for the bounding box above didn't match the retail version, and we can see that the retail text is placed centered at the top of the retail bounding box. The retail version calculates a bounding box at point (394, 25) with a size of (254, 365).

After some discussion with Akz and Klusark on IRC and some test code, Akz saw that the retail version's bounding box could be computed from the coordinates provided as part of the costume data. Using the bounding box position as the center and projecting the points of the bounding box into screen coordinates resulted in a bounding box that matched the retail version. With this change, the text is now rendering in the right place, although it's still 1 pixel lower than it should be. Here's the difference in the scene again with Otis and Carla:

The text is pretty close now!
Another issue arose when Klusark tested the set tri. In this set, the text was layered on top of other text, resulting in a mess! This was actually the original bug that inspired all of the text refactoring in the first place, so I probably should have tested this sooner. Why wasn't this text fixed by these changes? It turns out that the text is placed based on the position of the ship. So, when the ship moves, the text should be placed relative to the ship's location. To find the ship's location, a function called WorldToScreen is called to find the screen coordinates for the ship. The text is then rendered using these coordinates. In the retail version, instead of passing a screen coordinate (0,0 -> 640,480), it instead passes a floating point value in the range -1 to 1. Removing the conversion from the function and adding it as needed throughout the graphics primitive drawing code fixes the issue, although the result isn't exactly right, with the text being drawn above the ship rather than below. Still, it's quite a bit better than it was!

Working text on the Tri-Island Map
This work can be found in the updated PR #964.